Sunday, May 27, 2018

Direction > Speed

I started this post over a year ago, and while some things have changed, there is still truth to the words, so enjoy!

It seems like when we need it the most, there are tender reminders (which sometimes need to be large wake-up calls, or figurative neon signs, or symbolic 2x4s) of some of the most important nuggets of truth that sustain us and bring hope. It amazes me how often these reminders come just before we really need that support.

Direction > Speed

I often feel like I am behind on my life's journey. I am not married (yet), I don't have kids (yet), I don't feel like I am necessarily doing my 'life's work' (yet), I don't feel like I have accomplished much (yet), and I often question if I am even close to the right path.

Direction > Speed

Through a variety of ways I have been reminded that the direction I am going, the positive things I am doing, the attitude I have, and the feelings in my heart are so much more important than when these 'milestones' happen in my life (if they do happen).

We often think that if our lives don't match the cookie cutter mold of what we think it should be, then we are doing things incorrectly, that we are being punished for something, or that we are off the path with little hope of finding the 'normal' way.

Direction > Speed

I have found that the times when I feel most un-cookie cutter-ish are the times that I am being prepared for something else in my life, or I am fulfilling some unseen plan that is greater than what I could have anticipated, or I am learning lessons that I need at that time in that way.

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