Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Simple vs. Easy

I have been thinking a bit this week about the difference between simple and easy. There are things we should do in life, and they are simple to decide to do them and simple to do...but they are not necessarily EASY to do.

It is interesting to think about the things that we should to, that are simple to do, that are good habits to have, but actually doing them regularly isn't easy for us to do. So, the question is, how do we succeed in making the simple things the easy things?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Beauty Challenge Recap

I mentioned this Beauty Challenge in my last post, but I wanted to talk a bit more about it. I am so grateful for the the opportunity I had to look at TRUE beauty during the 10-day challenge. It was based on this challenge, but tweaked a bit by one of my RAs to fit the needs of her floor. I loved it because I got to focus on different types of beauty. I don't mean that I avoided these types of beauty, but in the context, I gained a new perspective on myself. Not only did I see different talents and gifts in a new way, but also things I like about myself as a whole.

Have you ever written a thank you letter to your body? I challenge you to do so, and realize how much  you are able to do, and how blessed you truly are. You will see the parts and the whole in a new light, a brighter and clearer light!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Beauty Challenge Accepted!

As part of a 10 Day Beauty Challenge that one of my RAs invited me to participate in with her floor, we have to post somewhere the phrase, "I am beautiful because...". I wanted my reason to have reason and really make sense for me, as I hope anyone who takes up this challenge would do as well. So, as simple as it is, and maybe redundant to those who see my status updates on Facebook:

I am beautiful because I find happiness in every day life.

I feel that as I find that happiness, my happiness shines through, and my whole person is more beautiful and inviting to those around me.