Saturday, October 07, 2006


My roommates and I were talking the other day, and we figured out that this semester we have heard, on average, at least one person EVERY WEEK is engaged, pregnant, or dating someone exclusively! HOLY COW! Everyone around us is being infected with love! My question is, when will we get sick???

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Packets of Sunshine

One time in my institute class we were talking about trials, and it came up that although we may have trials and tribulations, Heavenly Father is there for us, and He gives us little packets of sunshine to remind us that He is there and He will always be there for us. Today, that packet of sunshine was more like a HUGE dose of the sun. The Saturday morning session of Conference was what I needed more than I could have anticipated! I love it!!!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

End of Summer stretch

So, there is a little less than a month until school starts up again. My friends will be back in P-town in a few weeks, my job will switch over from summer work to school work, and I will be moving in about 2 weeks. I feel like everything is COMING, but nothing is here YET. It is a waiting game and I have to be patient. grrrr.

It is hard to try to enjoy the end because it feels like I am just filling in until the good stuff really starts. I am having a good time, but is it enough?