Friday, August 02, 2013

Lost and Found

Almost 2 years ago, I lost 3 very important people in my life. Don't you fret, no one passed away, but there was a deep sense of loss at that time.

I lost a friend from my mission. I lost my best friend, and I lost the guy I loved. It just so happened that the best friend and the guy I loved were the same person, so it was a double whammy with that one.

The past 2 years have been a roller coaster of emotions (as you can tell from my blog posts, especially at that time). I ranged from anger and rage, to frustration, confusion, disappointment, pain, feeling unworthy, unloved, unlovable, and just about anything on that end of the emotion spectrum. With time and healing, I eventually felt peace, comfort, some understanding, growth, loved in so many ways by so many people, and hope.

There was still a weight on my heart, because there were people that had been a big part of my life, who were now gone. There were memories that would not be made, laughter that would not be shared, fun that we wouldn't have. I have felt that loss for a long time.

This week I found 2 of those important people in my life! Through forgiveness and love, the weight has been lifted, my heart is fuller, and there is a greater peace in my life. I love them, and know that love is possible, even through misunderstandings and miscommunication.

I know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ this finding was possible. I know that the third person I lost is gone forever in that relationship with that fella, but that just means my heart is open to finding my forever love. I am so grateful I found what once was lost to me!

1 comment:

Kendra said...

This is great news Kristen! I can't believe it's been a year since we went to DC together, and that was lots of fun. Next time I'm in Provo I'll text you and maybe we can get an ice cream :) Love you!