Saturday, December 13, 2008


My ward here in Florence, OR has a weekly quilting group where ladies come together on Tuesdays and they make quilts for humanitarian aid, newlyweds, new babies in the ward. It is a well known fact that many of the ladies that come to quilting are flowers that have more fully bloomed in the age of life. I am by far the youngest person there and I do enjoy the time I spend with them. We usually chit chat about different things, but this week it took an interesting turn. There is music playing on a CD player while we are working, and this week it instigated a converstation I never thought I would hear in all my life. The artist we were listening to had the first name of "Alonso", maybe "Alonzo" but that is not really the point. The way one of the ladies said it made me laugh so hard. She was rolling his name off her tongue like butter on a hot roll. These ladies then started talking about "Mr. Groban" and these other singers that they all loved. Some of the artists were of yesteryear but some of them were pretty contemporary and young! I ended up blushing so much because I never expected these things to come out of their mouths. I was entertained and enlightened, to say the least. I wonder what will happen next week...

1 comment:

Miriam said...

I need to join a quilting group. My mom loves hers. I hope you learn lots, those ladies have tons of wisdom.