Sunday, January 30, 2011


As a Hall Advisor, I have 3 buildings that I supervise, and I also have an Associate Hall Advisor, and she has 3 buildings that she supervises. We work together throughout the year. We have been pretty close this year, and we have tons of fun together! We even made up a name...TRAGEK, which is the first letter of each of our halls. We do a cheer at the end of each staff meeting, every week, and we had matching bandanas for RA training. Well, this past Saturday, we had an RA Recharge, to get the RAs excited about this next semester, to have fun, and to just get a boost. One of the activities was to build the highest Twinkie tower they could with 6 Twinkies, a few knives and forks. Our RAs got pretty creative and had fun.

I want you to notice our cool shirts (well, not mine because I am not in the picture), but the RAs all have shirts with "tragek" on the front, and their hall number on the back, and Fine, Fresh, Fierce, also on the back. Lacey and I got camo shirts...GOOD TIMES! We were so united the whole recharge. It was so fun!

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